VE Day 75 timetable: Prince Charles to lead the event with a two-minute of silence

Will read from Prince George VI's diary, followed by Dorstep Singlong, Churchill Speech and Captain Tom Documentary

The Prince of Wales is to lead the country's two-minute silence to mark the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe.

Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall will pay their respects from Scotland at 11 am on the day of celebration and commemoration, including an address by the Queen and a national rendition of the wartime classic We Met Meat Again.

Charles would later read extracts from the diary of his grandfather, George VI, written on 8 May 1945 to broadcast on BBC One during the afternoon. The entries describe events including the famous appearance of the royal family on the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

VE Day 75 timetable: Prince Charles to lead the event with a two-minute of silence

While the plan for VE Day 75 was canceled due to Covid-19, national programs have been adapted. There will be a physically deformed wreath at Westminster, while the government is encouraging those in lockdown to join in from gardens, doors and living rooms to celebrate victory in Europe.
Events include a national toast, and instead of planned street parties, there are 1940s tea parties in homes and gardens across Britain.

VE Day Timetable of Events
Wreath at Westminster at 10.50am
Sir Lindsay Hoyle, the Speaker of the House of Commons, will garland on behalf of the Commons, while Lord West will lay one on behalf of the Lords.

11 minutes two minutes National moment of silence and remembrance, aired on BBC One
The public is encouraged to stand at their door to pay tribute to heroes of the past and present. This will be a reflection on the service and sacrifice of the wartime generations, and is also happening on the devastating impact of Covid-19.

Royal British Legion's VE Day Livestream at 11.15 am
The nation is invited to join the livestream of the British Army, which will present the stories of those who served.

2.45–3.45pm Declaration of victory over BBC One
The first of two special programs by the BBC is broadcast.

Churchill's famous victory speech at 3 pm
The show will show Churchill on 8 May 1945 from 10 Downing Street announcing the end of the war in Europe. At the center of the broadcast will be a specially made film about historical radio addresses.

VE Day 75 timetable: Prince Charles to lead the event with a two-minute of silence

Personal testimonies will be read by public figures and celebrities commemorating the VA Day celebrations. The music of military artists would call the war spirit. People will be encouraged to raise a glass in a national toast, saying: "Those who gave a lot, we thank you."

At 3pm the Royal Navy's warships and support vessel for the Royal Fleet Auxiliary at home and around the world will blast their sirens for a minute to celebrate the victory, marking the moment of Churchill's address.

8-8.30pm Captain Tom's War on ITV
ITV will broadcast a documentary about war veteran Tom Moore, who captured the heart of the nation, raising over £ 32m for the NHS by walking 100 lengths of his garden. He will share his memories of his service in Burma, and the brutal campaign in which a million friendly soldiers attempt to repel the Japanese invading forces.

8pm People's Celebration on BBC One
There will be a unique concert of VE Day 75, in partnership with the Royal British Army, the second of the BBC programs presented by Sophie Raworth. The stars include Welsh soprano Katherine Jenkins, actor Adrian Hester and singer Beverly Knight. Well-known songs from the 30s and 40s, including favorites such as Bluebirds Over the White Cliffs of Dover and When the Lights Go Again.

Throughout the show, there will be pre-recorded interviews, manufactured in self-isolation on the phone, and FaceTime with those who still remember VE Day, sharing their memories and photos .

Queen's address to the nation at 9 pm
The address will become the focal point of the already recorded event at Windsor Castle. It will be broadcast on BBC One, exactly when his father George VI gave his radio address from Buckingham Palace 75 years ago.

VE Day 75 timetable: Prince Charles to lead the event with a two-minute of silence

A national rendition of the Dame Vera Lynn Classic will meet again at 9.10 pm
People are encouraged to engage in singing in the streets from their streets and front gardens.

9.30pm Spotlights will illuminate the sky above Portsmouth
Roshni will assimilate blackout experiences during the war, with the local council hoping it will remind people that "light time will come again". On naval ships, searchlights will be directed towards the skies for five minutes at port and at sea.

Other events during the day include members of the royal family, prime ministers and senior politicians hosting video calls with World War II veterans.

The Royal Voluntary Service (RVS) will reflect on the women in the Green of the WVS, set up for air raid precautions, during the day's VE Day celebrations in its virtual village hall. At 3 pm, it will feature a live singalong of wartime songs, live dance classes and 1940s hairstyle tutorials.

A special VE Day episode of Best Seat in the House - a twice weekly online variety concert - will be played on this day in military care homes across the UK. Produced by The Not Forgotten Armed Forces Charity, it will feature a message from Dame Vera Lynn, and pay tribute to Churchill, Gracie Fields, Anne Shelton, Andrews Sisters and many more.


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