News About Asteroid 1998 OR2.

Summary :-
On Wednesday, April 29, a very large meteoroid (asteroid) will pass by the Earth. According to the US space agency NASA, this meteorite will pass at a speed of about 19 thousand kilometers per hour. According to scientists, there is no possibility of this meteorite hitting the Earth, so people need not panic.
Explaination :-
According to NASA's Center for Near Earth Studies, the meteorite will pass near the Earth at 5:56 am (Eastern Time) on April 29. Scientists say that this meteorite, which is the size of a huge mountain, will affect the whole world if it hits the Earth.
However, its chances of hitting the Earth are slim.
According to scientists, there is a 50 thousand chances of such a meteorite hitting the Earth every hundred years. But it has happened very rarely in the known history of the Earth that such a big meteorite has hit the earth. Meteorites with a few meters in diameter enter the Earth's atmosphere, but they burn immediately and only small pieces of them reach the surface of the Earth. The name of this meteorite is 1998 RO2 (1998 RO2). Scientists gave information about its passing through the earth about one and a half months ago.
It was then said that its size is like a big mountain. Along with this, it was feared that due to the speed at which this meteorite is rising, if it touches the earth, it can also hit tsunami.